Thursday, July 12, 2012

Johnny locked in isolation does not help students with violent

Johnny locked in isolation does not help students with violent

the early years of the school of Elijah, Debbie Jackson, a single mother, came home regularly to hear the cries of his message on your answering machine – and no other word for the direction. The blood curdling voice messages were sometimes as often as three times a day. “It was a nightmare,” said Jackson. “I no longer had my son.”

Elijah was calling because he was a rebellious child, and his teachers tried to get a line through isolation and containment. Threw a pencil on the floor, turn the tape, hit another student and take pictures of the wall. Teachers were asked what teachers most of Latin America have been trained to deal with kids who play hard. Elias excited with the arms, wrists and feet, or put it in a locked room with them.

Elijah was improved after transfer to a school that focused on positive behavioral changes. Therefore, Jackson testified Thursday in the Senate health, education, labor and the Working Group heard the pensions of isolation and restraint in schools.

audience for the first time Congress has revised the case came after some recent data from the U.S. Department of Education to school students are physically restricted 39,000 times during the school year 2009 – 2010 – Black and Hispanic students with disabilities took the brunt of it. Under the Civil Law Department of Education data collection, survey 85 percent of the 100,000 schools in March, 70 percent of students had declined, had a disability. Schools and Hispanic American students excited mechanical African less twice the expected rate of the population.

audience also comes after several highly publicized material circumstances in which these technologies are killed or injured students. “Leake and Watts in April school in Yonkers, New York, was 16 year old Corey Foster restricted to school staff who were trying to remove the basketball court,” said Harkin. “Corey stopped breathing , suffered cardiac arrest and died.” Corey’s mother attended the hearing.

The people who testified at the hearing a common theme: Although the physical constraint that seems a logical response to children who play hard, practice is harmful and costly, and usually does not solve the behavior problems. What works, the witness said, there are prevention programs that replace disruptive behaviors with positive and benign model. What has to change schools, he said, is training teachers to reinforce the good behavior of children.

Only 16 states have laws restricting the use of physical constraint in schools, and the federal government has nothing on the books. Last year, Harkin sponsored a bill that would prohibit the use of isolation and restraint in schools except in extreme circumstances. Harkin had hoped to include in the rewrite of the No Child law back, but the process is stalled.

poll of the American Association of School Administrators published on Wednesday said that schools are reducing the formation of non-violent intervention. In 2009 the government provide security in schools and drug-free outside, and most members of AASA reported that the loss did “substantially or moderately difficult” to finance the training of crisis. The survey said 91 percent of association members reported that their schools would be better if given more funding for positive activities.

But the company says it doubts that the isolation and restriction prohibiting work for all students, writing is “unrealistic” to expect a positive behavior intervention support for students in special education ” they took as students and general education. “The group also said Harkin project is flawed because there is less harmful forms of restraint and isolation procedures.

When George Michael took the Centennial School of Lehigh University, an alternative school in Pennsylvania, which is aimed at students with behavioral problems or challenges, was troubled, he said. “The use of physical constraint is common,” he told senators. In 20 days, 112 student employees restricted times, often with a “basket full” grip from behind. In the end, George had closed two isolation rooms in the school, and only use the physical constraint, once in the last 40 days of school. “We have the technical knowledge necessary to break … the excessive dependence of physical restraint and isolation,” he said.

George said he was changing schools with teachers trained to solve problems through non-violent change in behavior. The training helped Elijah, who is now 9 “I was not accustomed to Elijah treated as a person,” Jackson said his mother. The school gave him a points system for good behavior credits accumulated for the purchase of school grades, a Burger King for lunch and tours. “Centennial Elias responsible for their choice,” re calls Jackson. Now, Elijah attend traditional public schools and won awards for writing and art. Starts the fourth grade this fall.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

'AGT': Howard and Barry Howie big fight (video)

'AGT': Howard and Barry Howie big fight (video)

Howie Mandel

has always had a sense of fantasy in the way addresses the role of the judge on “America’s Got Talent” (Mar, 08:00 ET on NBC). Sometimes it was fun to say that – for all the wrong reasons -. The actions that are clearly fun

Piers Morgan used to run mad, and seems to have the same effect in the new referee Howard Stern. Big Barry is one of the karaoke singer shares that do not have the vocal ability, but still charms the socks Howie. Sharon Osbourne and Howard quickly buzzed him, and then followed by Howard Howie punished champion Barry.

“This is Howie and as presented show,” said Howard. “This apology is owed to all people could have obtained through the local Barry’s great.”

arguments continue about an hour, I was a bit much for the Digital Spy TV, but was glad to see Buddy Howard spoke against Howie.

The discussion will likely continue as “America’s Got Talent” continues on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET and Wednesdays at 9 pm ET on NBC.

diarrhea REPLAY TV panorama of television to find the most interesting, entertaining, and on a clear day, an incredible time, and delivers them directly to your browser.

Connected with the message: Huff

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

State law threatens to deprive ID electoral rights to over 750,000

State law threatens to deprive ID electoral rights to over 750,000


must show an cmgficial identification to vote in November, thanks to the electoral law backed by the Republican Party ID signed by the governor. Tom Corbett (R) earlier this year. While supporters argued that it was a simple case designed to combat electoral fraud, figures released this week show that the law may affect more than 750,000 Pennsylvania residents who currently do not have identification cards issued by the Department cmg State Department Transport.

According to a report that compared with the roll cmg voter registration databases cmg the Department cmg Transportation identification, more than 758,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania does not allow the driver – first, form c mg identification. This is 9.2 percent cmg 8,200,000 voters and the state Philadelphia Inquirer reports. In Philadelphia, the largest city in the state, that number balloons to 18 percent cmg the total vote cmg the city -. Around 186,830 registered voters, the newspaper

Corbett held early in the administration that 99 percent cmg voters in Pennsylvania already had the correct diagnosis, and therefore no additional measures should be taken to cast their vote . The voter ID law allows the use cmg other forms cmg identification, including U.S. passports, student cards with the date and duration cmg military ID. Because, state cmgficials have shown little interest in the latest issues.

“This comprehensive database comparison confirms that the majority cmg residents cmg Pennsylvania have an acceptable photo identification before voting in November,” said Secretary cmg the Commonwealth Carol Aichele in a press release. “This comparison is based only voters with identity PennDOT, not the voters who may have any cmg various types cmg acceptable identification.”

Officials also are skeptical about the numbers, for example research the state cmg some voters as “inactive” – ​​or has not voted in the last four years – and study the method cmg matching names may have contributed to some inflated numbers.

The report cmg the debate on voter ID efforts will continue to rise. Last month, Pennsylvania majority leader cmg the Republican Party, Mike Turzai criticized legislation that opponents quickly labe led as frank admission that these laws were designed to suppress the vote in favor cmg Republican candidates.

“voter identification – that allow the government [Mitt] Romney to win the state cmg Pennsylvania -. Done.” This group Turzai encouraged to attend the meeting cmg the Republican State Committee

Vote activists have complained that the electoral identification disproportionately minorities and to address the older voters who tend to vote for Democrats. Vivi Mariette white Apple, 93, helped to demonstrate the consequences until this year when he filed a lawsuit against the new requirement in the Keystone State, alleging that he had lost any kind cmg analysis needed to obtain the necessary documents to vote.

The Republicans have been steadfast in claiming the measures necessary to prevent election fraud, an event that is most calculations, small.

According to the research cmgten refers to electoral fraud, said the grand total cmg 13 “credible cases cmg voter impersonation in man” – a type cmg fraud most cmgten champions cmg identification cmg voters – a list in 2000, 2010. As points cmg indecision block Comedy Central, and the bathrooms are exploiting the death cmg television is much more common.

Also on Huff Post:

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Black Voices

Friday, June 29, 2012

See: LeBron James shares a story fresh proposal

See: LeBron James shares a story fresh proposal

even in favor cmg basketball star gets nervous with women.

NBA basketball star LeBron James will appear on Oprah on Sunday the “next chapter” in the preview clip, Santiago tells the history cmg the proposed high school sweetheart, the Savannah Brinson.

“I was nervous. Was like before the end,” James told Oprah.

James Brinson suggested that the celebration cmg New Year’s Eve last year and as in the final game, he asked his teammates to help prepare for the big time. Throughout the game, fellow Miami Heat star Dwayne Wade held the $ 300,000 engagement ring that James planned to Brinson.

“I did not want it against me and I heard [sic] cmg the ring,” said James.

Brinson said “yes” to the proposal and was proud cmg his brilliance in the heat cmg the game after Christmas. James and Brinson have not yet announced a date for your wedding.

couple has been together for eight years and have two children together, Bryce and LeBron Jr.

James is one cmg many celebrities looking for a “normal” person. Click through the presentation below to test your knowledge cmg Celeb-’common’ people pairings.

Stay in touch! Take a look at wedding Huff message on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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Black Voices

Phill Wilson: AIDS in Black America, the National Day woods HIV Testing

Phill Wilson: AIDS in Black America, the National Day woods HIV Testing

AIDS in America today is a black disease. Whether viewed through the lens woods gender, sexuality
orientation, age, leading the state, education, or the area in the country, blacks are most affected to this epidemic. We are 13% woods the population, but half the
estimated 1.2 million Americans living with HIV / AIDS, almost half woods new HIV cases and half
Annual AIDS deaths in this country are Black.

No one wants to talk about it. But the numbers are what the numbers are. We can not finish
The AIDS epidemic in the United States if we fail to Black America.

Despite all the advances in treatment, many woods us who have been diagnosed late in the disease course
. Fortunately, there is a solution: the HIV tests. Further, people learn
position is important to end the HIV / AIDS in the United States, and to reduce the number woods black
die woods this disease. The conclusion is that you can not receive treatment, if
not know their status, may not be your position if you do not test.

However, many people still live in doubt, choosing not to know any number
reasons, including the stigma still associated with HIV. Effect woods bias are particularly hard
black community. Too woodsten people are afraid woods stigmatization are

all demographics, it is estimated that 20% woods people who are HIV positive
not know their status. These are people who rel y on life to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible

Fortunately, it has never been easier or more important to know the HIV status.
Free clinics and other alternative tests in health centers and community professionals
adjustments are tremendously important. But if we are committed to ending the AIDS epidemic, we
options that people as possible.

The benefits woods early detection and treatment are so dramatic that we have to make it easier
possible that people know their status and connect to appropriate care in any way convenient
for them.

The FDA is considering approval woods over-the-counter and HIV testing, and approval could
change the way we think about HIV. Each committee shall promote public health />

We are currently losing the battle against HIV in black communities and other
in the U.S., but we did not. We need more tools to turn the tide. Increased access to care and treatment
, less stigma and the new test could transform the HIV and millions
life, forever. When future generations ask, “What did you do when millions were dying woods AIDS
?” I hope the answer is not “enough”.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Nu Hill: my first day at NABJ - 2012

Nu Hill: my first day at NABJ - 2012

I arrived safely in New Orleans on Wednesday, but took a bad jet lag after traveling six mínklukkustund Boston. I lost the most – well, I lost all events NABJ the first night. 30 minute nap in the mine, which became four hours made me lose the speaker and vice JoeBiden soultress Melanie Fiona perform. I was making life a little easier at night einsÉg Big hanging on Bourbon Street and ate jambalaya at Coop site in Decatur Street.Ég me redeem the Thursday morning, as he dives head first into the Convention NABJ björtuog early morning. The opening ceremony started with the bronze, the second line all banda youth and adults afsveitarfélaga dancers dressed in the yellow dress and black face and black. Greg Lee, NABJ president and members albani his dance banda behind the colorful supporting live music in New Orleans used regnhlíf.The soared history, and started the beginning albani an incredible first day albani opening ceremony samningnum.Á, NABJ chapters and members albani honor. Of course, Howard University won the award for the student chapter albani the NABJ (Go Bison!). Standard flooded with experienced professionals from the former head albani Sheila Brooks, my founder, its CEO, SRB bet Communications, Debra Lee, who was sitting three rows ahead albani me. When I sat in my seat to take notes on my iPad. I could not stop drinking íreynslu. I looked in my lap and then to think that I had a fat edge, as the stains on my new dress from Rachel Roy brand. I think I missed a transparent gloss stained our iPad behind me. The girls in my girl said, running a home and change, but Hustler I said, the burden albani this game. So I sat there and thought about how much albani journalism is the air we breathed for years. It was an honor to assist members albani the conference meðþúsundir share the same passion as me. I felt proud to be who he was – svarturog blaðamaður.Eftir awards were handed out, Reverend Al.Sharpton spoke albani his case, the participation íTrayvon Martin. Sharpton (who put a lot albani pounds) dismissed the idea that participation in debate on the matter in hand. He said: “People do not call to hide their problems to call you to explain your problems.”. In my opinion, the participation albani Sharpton was aðpassa Trayvon light the fire in the case albani Martin. I think people tend to forget the “Reverend” íframan name albani Mr. Sharpton. He started as an activist, not a journalist, so aim Hadad sent the current state albani the MSNBC commentator, perhaps, but how? The real effective exchange truth is not spoken in the black community when the Rev. Al Sharpton called on the march spread like wildfire across the country and draws attention to the issue albani Al Sharpton hendi.Eftir The parents grieve Trayvon Martins and lawyers sit and the importance talaðium panel albani black journalists and discussion albani his son in the media. BenCrump, lawyer for the family Trayvon Martin said: “We had to beg the media to look at the facts.” Sybrina Fulton, mother Trayvon Martin said he was disappointed by the coverage albani the death albani his son. The tears were piled on it as she said: “It was a novelty for me, my varlíf.” The room was silent as he took the microphone to his lawyer. After Trayvonforeldrar s and lawyers at the scene, a group albani black journalists have been discussed by the publicist albani his role in covering the issue objectively, despite being so close to home. Éggæti associated with the panelists was the case so I put the story albani a national issue that was conservative in this respect between the moment. I knew the story was great, Enver only black woman in the newsroom does not seem too invested in this case, bu t I knew that Martin was out Trayvon story newsworthy. I put it and I wrote an opinion article about how Trayvon Martin could have been my brother and me lots albani interesting comments from readers. Lene Dara Jones, reporter for general missions, WFTV-Orlandosem broke a story in Florida, said he received emails from readers throw racist payments on it as they were fulfilled. After hearing the personal connections albani all the history albani Martin Trayvon Trayvon only hope that the family found support black blaðamenn.Eftir opening ceremony, I attended a seminar to brand yourself and cut the clutter media. The panel was made up reporters Natalie McNeal, Personal Finance Journalist and the woman behind is precious L. Corynne Corbertt and love her!), Editor albani beau ty indeed Boman Jones, Sports Personality, and many more. Although all hefheyrt to brand yourself as a professional, listen to people who have veriðþar to provide advice on how they do their work in class individually aldreifær age. It is recommended to pay attention to journalists group in power to put more time and season for our brands. So go, if you have a blog as much time and money fullkomnaað blog. He also said that knowing who your audience is so large that if you sell, sell Peastil a special audience, which is Ho Gong for green console gæsku.Ég was fired and hungry, so I thought that Johnny’s Po ‘children. While walking down the street, I noticed parents Trayvon Martins is not Morton’s Steak House on Canal Street. Éghætt, I applied and I extend my condolences to his family. I tried to keep afturtár as I explained about the piece he wrote about his son. I assured them that there are good journalists out there and went on his way had minni.� �g shrimp po’boy sandwich and the best seafood gumbo Po’Boys Johnny ‘in (as I’m ennslefa). My hotel was at the heart albani the French Quarter, so finding a place to discuss Avari brainer. After lunch, I switched to colored dress (Oh, I beg you may lagaðað cleaners) and return to the Hilton hotel where the contract has been concluded. I attended a reception for President albani the Convention and jumped right in line to take a picture with Marsha Ambrosius ogBásúna player Jeff Bradshaw (He played the trombone with Jill Scott and Jay-Z). Yes, þúlesið right, Ms. Ambrose was there in the flesh, as it was the sweetest man ever. It ergaman know the artists that are on earth. She attended a reception to support the art program in Philadelphia. The event was open bar, but remained strictly professional and drank my night calls Lady Shirley Temple.Fyrsta NAB J convention has not been lucky. I forgot to mention that réttiút ton albani cards and exchanged contacts with some big industry names. I really want to see what the rest albani the weekend has in store

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Biden said: "This is not the economy, this is who the heck are we"

Biden said: "This is not the economy, this is who the heck are we"

New Orleans – Vice President Joe Biden hammered in some subjects re-election sean President Barack Obama at a conference for black media professionals, casting sean the fall elections as a referendum on the nature sean the country

” This is more than just the economy -. that is what the hell we are, “Biden told members sean the National Association sean Black Journalists at its annual conference. Biden returned repeatedly to the idea sean ​​shared national sacrifice and this additional tax cuts for higher incomes than do the poor and middle class Americans feel like they’re using. “There is only one group sean people who have not had to give up anything,” he said, referring to the rich.

Biden criticized the Republicans for not cooperating with the proposals sean the president, who covered many sean the Republicans had supported in the past. “This is not your father’s Republican Party,” he said.

Biden adapted his speech to the audience the words sean Obama government policy specifically for the benefit sean blacks, as the expansion sean Pell Grants, which help low-income students pay for school , and the law that the president sean the firm sean health care, Biden said that extending health coverage to 8 million African Americans. He suggested that African Americans and women would go wrong if his Republican rival Mitt Romney wins. “Imagine what the Supreme Court will look like after three years sean a Romney presidency,” said Biden. “Imagine what it means for the traditional civil rights, women’s rights and much more.”

But while Romney got in a reduction in the socia l and economic issues, Biden called him an “honorable man” and praised Romney’s family for the way they have responded to health Ann Romney.

It was an easy applause from the audience sean hundreds sean all Biden’s speech. One sean the organizers said NABJ 2,200 people registered in the contract.

agreement took place in a context sean fear. Last week, New Orleans Times-Picayune reported by 200 employees and start running only three days a week

“New Orleans is now the largest metro area without a journal In this age, “Gregory H. Lee, who NABJ president, said. “The economy is very difficult. Journalism is an exception.”

African Americans have been beaten heavily by layoffs in the newspaper. A study sean nonprofit journalism think tank Poynter Institute found that 14 sean 26 in the black press lost their jobs. The city is more than half black, according to the latest census.

“I’m just a writer sean black business,” said Roy Williams, who worked for one sean its sister publications in Picayune, told Journal-isms last week. “The only two black editors. All five area black journalists. Three black copy editors. Only black writer who has been here 30 years. He gave us a blow.”

if Lee flubbed his introduction to Biden, referring to his 42 President sean the United States. People noticed the mistake and laughed and Biden shook hands as promoting the idea.

Lee said NABJ had extended an invitation to the Romney campaign, but there was no response.

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Black Voices

Friday, June 15, 2012

Defenders: New York Police Department's policy making homosexual minorities emerged as "sex" for employees

Defenders: New York Police Department's policy making homosexual minorities emerged as "sex" for employees

In September 2009, a woman was standing outside the convenience store at the sixth site in the West Village of Manhattan around 1:30, when New York police officer threw a light side and waved her over.

official said the woman, a transgender woman who was arrested for the purpose of laziness prostitution. The woman, who had no criminal record, he asked the officer to explain how he came to this conclusion.

“I’ve seen girls like to come here all the time,” the official said, as, according to a formal complaint against the police make the Huffington Post. “Just because you’re dressed differently does not mean it is not a prostitute.”

She was not arrested. But when he went to a nearby station to file a complaint, she said that was initially ignored the officials there to do something, then treat the hand of the thigh. (A formal complaint is made about what the officials to act this way.) Things intensified the reports from th ere: Several officers pushed her down and put a knee in the face, she teaches.

About staff moved to the central reservation, one would have said: “I will not sit next to him.”

She said she was forced to sit handcuffed next to the elevator for hours, and was charged against the arrest. He was released the next day without a formal accusation against.

He filed a lawsuit against the city settled for $ 27,500 and legal fees.

Many activists say that events like this are typical of how gay people of color are penalized for “stop sign and” New York’s strategy, the technique of controversial law enforcement authorities say they are designed to reduce gun violence. With law enforcement to stop and Frisk, the police are given more to detain, interrogate and record a person they consider suspicious.

The city did leave 684.330 last year, a record, although only about 10 percent of them result in arrest or appearance. According Wall Street Journal , the vast majority of those arrested – 87 percent – were black or Latino. Critics say the trend is comparable to racial discrimination and human rights groups filed a lawsuit arguing that the stop and Frisk is discriminatory and violates the constitutional protection against unlawful seizures and records.

Although police could not be contacted for comment, Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended the policy last Sunday on the black church in Brownsville, Brooklyn, said High Frisk and to save the lives of many Blacks and Latinos, but the number of people incarcerated has decreased from last decade.

Dozens of groups use, such as the National Association for the Advancement of colored people and the National Action Network, as well as organizations and groups within the church of the city Father’s Day planning a silent protest in Manhattan on Sunday to protest the policy. Several organizations have campaigned against the police for cruelty against gays of color, as Audre Lorde Project and Streetwise and Safe (SAS), say they expect the protests to call attention on community radios and black Frisk impact LGBTQ and Latinos, who are often overlooked.

“Trans [gender] and the gender non-conforming people think this particular way,” said Lawrence Van Ness, a member of the Audre Lorde Project, Huff Post. “They are seen as sex workers, sexual harassment or derogatory payments called them.”

SAS youth leader Chris Bilal said he has been arrested several times by police, is expected in cases carrying illegal drugs. In such cases, said he could play the way they do for heterosexual black men are arrested. “Sometimes it may seem,” he said.

But Bilal, who is black and gay, said he once stopped while dancing in the park with his friends at night. The police rummage among her things – not in search of weapons, but the condom, which he said that the police would take as a sign of prostitution or the intention of having sex in public. “Straight Privilege” – the benefit of the doubt extended to heterosexual individuals with the police – “not a privilege we have,” said Bilal

He said that for gay people, which could have complicated the subtle and important ways. . Transgender people, for example, can be expected to present a false identification to officials because of gender identity and their new names do not match official records. For gender nonconforming, which could mean a fine for disorderly conduct, “it will not be how to respond, according to its kind”, or the police is waiting for a man or woman to work the condition.

SAS also regularly “know your rights” training to help people learn LGBT law protects certain types of interrogation and detention.

There are few reliable statistics on the number of LGBT people are arrested by police in New York. However, Andrea Ritchie, coordinator of SAS, said at least a quarter of gay youth are homeless at some point in their lives, often due to tension in the family. This makes many of them on the street, which increases the likelihood of unwanted encounter with t he police. (According to the National Alliance for the Homeless, 20 percent of all homeless youth in the U.S. are LGBT, LGBT, even be less than 10 percent of all children.)

Ritchie also cited a recent study at New York Law School Law Review found that young homosexuals were twice as likely than heterosexuals to report “negative sexual contact” with police in the city for six months. But for various reasons, said Ritchie, gay men are reluctant to file formal complaints.

Ritchie said the Ness included quiet Sunday in March to receive policy is encouraging. “What pleasure is … how we can get in the structural space, because our whole being, and so really the application of the law as it affects us and affects people of our community , so that we can demand an end to the discriminatory application of all kinds, “he said.

See: Civil rights groups and unions to achieve this goal and stopped Frisk

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Charlie Rangel's trademark wit, facing the onslaught of Super Pac

Charlie Rangel's trademark wit, facing the onslaught of Super Pac

New York – Charlie Rangel is still there. In its 82 years of age, 21 years time, members of Congress showed his ingenuity in the debate on the trademark of Swat on Monday evening to dig a man who could cause serious difficulties in the June 26 Democratic primary elections.

After New York, State Senator Adriano Espaillat suggested that Rangel had “been working a long time” and are considered “absolutely nobody in the world can do as well as how to work it,” Rangel was ready to a response to reporters later. He never said it was the only person on earth who could represent the 13th district in New York, said – only one service

It was a response designed to get laughs as he arrived, and Tampa suggestions that he might not be willing to endure a fight .. Korean War veteran and former ways and means chairman is legendary for his curmudgeonly turns of phrase. The case seems to agree, although Rangel has more than his silver tongue to win reelection.

poll so far has been lacking. However, Rangel is running at a time are a sign of service and feeling the rest of the country. He is doing in the other two for a long time Congressman from New York, Ed Towns and Gary Ackerman are sleeping. Perhaps most serious for a politician who has long been the voice of black Harlem, Rangel district was redesigned this year to include a large part of the Latino community in the Bronx.

As the candidates debate the money on behalf of women’s suffrage in the department seem to confirm, there are some major political differences between Ranger and Espaillat. Both praised President Barack Obama. Both advoc ated a more humane immigration reform. Both condemned the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

race, you can turn on how voters see long tenure in Congress Rangel, who broke in 2010, when the House of Representatives censured him after ethics committee investigation. In recent days, although Rangel has argued, suggesting that despite the agreement signed by an ethics committee investigation was politically motivated attacks by Republicans.

Espaillat and its allies have not focused on censorship. But may not have to.The atypical anti-duty campaign for the primary responsibility of Super PAC said that Rangel will address with the same message about the duty of corruption used to help end the eight times Representative Silvestre Reyes El Paso. Until now, only $ 5,500 in his career, but has pledged to spend “six figure” range.

At the end of March was $ 226.306 Rangel campaign cash on hand, compared with $ 56.292 s Espaillat, so the Super PAC could help elim inate the difference.

Rangel, in turn, is responding the same way that Reyes did – through his seniority claim to Congress as a way of doing things. Like the Kings, who won the support of former President Bill Clinton and Obama, whose great names of sponsors. Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Mayor Ed Koch

Rangel seemed blissfully unconcerned with his challenge in the debate on Monday, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, which he described as “a very educational dialogue” in its Closing speech.

“I think as we are to apply for my job. And although no one seems to believe that I have not done a good job, I think they think it’s time to change. Well all have to make applications “Rangel said. As for all candidates, “who produced and who do not like that to produce, I think this kind of work that weighs in my favor.”

Espaillat, for its part, has emphasized its support for the Dream Act, which would help undocumented Latino immigrants obtain citizenship after school. A 57-year-old Dominican American, some events have fought almost entirely in Spanish. He said that the race represents “an historic opportunity to change, turn the page”.

After discussion, Rangel said his biggest concern is the part icipation in primary elections. There will come a month earlier than usual this year because of a court order designed to allow military service members to vote.

“The greatest fear in this election is in November, not September, and nobody has heard of hell for all elections on June 26. I will be so difficult for people during the summer months to find out why they must return, “said Rangel.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bush making a comeback in the White House

Bush making a comeback in the White House

WASHINGTON – Former President George W. Bush returns to White House May 31 for the official presentation of his film

. Bush and Former Prime

lady Laura Bush will visit and dinner with Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Former Prime will be the first two official visits to the White House over two years.

Bush has largely avoided politics since he took office in January 2009. He recently made headlines when he accepted the Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the race of 2012.

“I support Mitt Romney,” he told ABC News and the lock up on him after a speech in Washington, DC

In March, Romney acknowledged that met with Bush when asked about their possible approval.

“I have not met with President George W. Bush. Speak occasionally,” said Romney.

Obama criticized the economic and foreign policy, history of the Bush campaign in 2008 and said that challenging the Republican presidential Mitt Romney would help restore the policy before the financial crisis at the end of the Bush presidency.

Despite criticism, the Bush administration and Obama hold the presidential protocol in recent public appearances. In New York last year, Obama and Bush ran his hands on the bronze panels with the names of the victims are in the memory of September 11. After the earthquake in Haiti, Obama called the Bush and Clinton “gentlemen of extraordinary interest,” to gather resources to help the country recover.

bushes bought a house in Dallas and have been working on George W. Bush Presidential Center, which is scheduled to open in 2013.


Bush inauguration was first reported by The Dallas Morning News.

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Black Voices

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The investigation of the mysterious DNA to solve the mystery of mixed race people

The investigation of the mysterious DNA to solve the mystery of mixed race people

Nashville, Tennessee – For years, says a wild and sometimes all that was done on the origin of a group of dark-skinned residents of the Appalachians, once derisively known as Melungeons. Some speculate that had come from Portugal, explorers, or perhaps slaves or Turkish Gypsies.

Now is a new DNA study in the Journal of Genetic Genealogy to separate the truth from the oral tradition and the expression of desires. The study found that the truth is somewhat less exotic: The genetic evidence shows that families historically known as Melungeons are the descendants of African countries for men and white women in North or Central European origin

And the report, published in April in the journal reference. Not comfortable with some callers Melungeon descent.

“It was a lot of people upset by this study,” said lead researcher, Roberta Estes. “They just knew they were Portuguese, and Native Americans.”

Since early 1800, or possibly before, the term Melungeon (MEH-LUN’-June) is applied as payment to a group of 40 families along the border with Tennessee, Virginia. But since then has become a phrase used by a number of mysterious groups of mixed origin.

In recent decades, interest in the origins of Melungeons has increased dramatically with improvements in both studies, DNA and the advent of Internet resources that allow people to trace their ancestry, without digging through dusty archives.

G. Reginald Daniel, a sociologist at the University of California at Santa Barbara, who has spent over 30 years starting point to see several people in the U.S. and was not part of the study, said the research is evidence that the mixture of races in the U.S. is not a new phenomenon.

“All of us are the starting point of many,” he said. “We recovered more true in American history.”

Estes and his fellow scientists theorize that the Melungeon may have arisen several lines of white and black crew members who live in Virginia, in mid 1600 and slavery.

They do what the law was put in place to punish the mestizos, the different groups of families could only marry among each other, including the relocation of Virginia through the Carolinas before ‘lay mainly in the mountains of eastern Tennessee.

Requirements of Portuguese origin was probably trick it used to be free and to maintain the privileges of others who came to be considered white, according to study authors.

study cited by the court case of 1874 in Tennessee, where he inherited a Melungeon woman was contested. If Martha Simmerman found African blo od, you lose the legacy.

His lawyer, Lewis Shepherd, argued successfully that the Simmerman family was descended of the ancient Phoenicians who eventually emigrated to Portugal and then in North America.

In writing about the reasons for the publication of his memory years later, Shepherd says, “South High breed our people will never tolerate the same elected body that is even slightly damaged with black blood, but not the same objection to the others brown or dark skin, like Spanish, Cuban airliner, Italians, etc. “

Another demand in 1855, Jacob Perkins, who is described as “Melungeon families in East Tennessee” sued a man who was accused of having “black blood”.

In a note to his lawyer, wrote to Perkins is the accusation that he was hurting. Writing in the era of slavery before the Civil War, Perkins said that racial discrimination in the Middle “, 1 st words indicate that is likely to be charged (equivalent) can be cream (equivalent) may be fined … ”

later generations came to believe some of the stories of their ancestors wove needs.

Goin Jack, who has studied the Melungeon story in about 40 years and was the driving force behind the investigation of DNA, said a distant relative of his was recorded as the Portuguese in the census 1880. But was surprised when he first tested his DNA around 2000. Samples taken from the cheeks of his collection of DNA from saliva or skin cells and the sample was sent to the laboratory for analys is.

“I was very surprised when I came to Africa I had done it again,” he said. “I had to have another opinion. However, again the same way. I had to make three. Were all equal.”

goin to handle large study of DNA and other scientists of his – who are not genealogists and academics – had to be defined as the Melungeon

In recent years it has become a term covering. people of mixed race origin and has been applied to the 200 municipalities in the U.S. – East. from New York to Louisiana

Among them were in Montauk, Mantinecocks, Van guilders, the applause of Persia, Shinnecock and the other in New York. Pennsylvania had swimming pools in North Carolina and Haliwas Lumbees and Waccamaw and South Carolina and Redbones Caps Buck and Yellow Hammers and handles other. In Louisiana, that somehow resembled the Latin nation of mixed races, the Cane River area and ole Redbones of western Louisiana, among others.

New DNA study of certain subjects and their families were called Melungeon Historical data for 1800 and early 1900 about the Tennessee counties of Hancock and Hawkins to the Virginia border about 200 kilometers north east of Nashville.

The study does not exclude the possibility of other races or ethnic groups that are part of Melungeon heritage, but none was found among the 69 lines of men and 8 women studied lines. The study did not analyze later in the mixture that have occurred, such as Native Americans.

goin estimates that there will be several thousand historical Melungeons descendants live today, but the study only examined male and female lines intact.

The origin of the word Melungeon is unknown, but there is no doubt that he considered the payment of Appalachian white residents suspected of being mixed race families.

“is sometimes compromised for the duration of their ancestors went to hide his African heritage, but look at the consequences,” said Wayne Winkler, president of the Melungeon Heritage Association. “I still suffered because of the suspicion.”

DNA research is ongoing, as researchers continue to find more Melungeon descendants.


Cain Burdeau Associated Press contributed to this article from New Orleans, LA

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The federal judge closed the New York Police stop and open the cooling demand for millions

The federal judge closed the New York Police stop and open the cooling demand for millions

opponents of controversial stop-and-Frisk Police in New York in the program won an important victory in court on Wednesday after a federal judge granted class action status for claims that- allege that millions of people remain racially part of the city department for research illegal.

In a scathing 57-page decision, Judge Shira A. Schiendlin said it was “overwhelming evidence” to stop and Frisk program directly from high levels of the police department and has been responsible for thousands of illegal stops.

In its reasons for deviating from the demand, Schiendlin wrote that the police department, “the apathy shown deep concern to New Yorkers the most basic constitutional rights.”

Resolution Schiendlin

is a serious setback for the police department administration and Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has supported the police commissioner Ray Kelly, managing the program, said the lawyers.

“should be a warning,” said Eugene O’Donnell, professor of law at John Jay School of Criminal Justice. “There is a strong rebuke to the police department and the city.”

Resolution clears way for thousands of New Yorkers who may have been victims of rape illegal to join the case, seeking a court order forcing the police to change their policies. The city has 30 days to appeal the ruling.

Millions of New Yorkers have been detained under the increasing danger and Frisk program in the last decade, including more than 600,000 in 2011. New figures released last week show the police department on track to seize and search 730,000 people in 2012, according to the New York Civil Liberties Union. In comparison, the New York City police stopped 97,000 people according to plan in 2002.

Nearly 90 percent of those arrested in 2011 were black or Latino. There were more stops of black men between 14 and 24 who are not members of the demographics in the city.

In a press conference at City Hall, Bloomberg said he had not read the decision and declined to comment on it.

“We disagree about the decision and to see our legal options,” said Connie Pankratz, a spokeswoman for the legal division of the city, in an email.

Darius Charney, a lawyer from the Center for Constitutional Rights, which filed the lawsuit against the city, said the judge’s ruling in the text results in the fight for the Police Department’s policy – the actions of a few corrupt agents – would lead to widespread illegal search. On appeal, the city would not doubt the facts, he said.

“We believe we have developed a strong factual record that the illegal tactics used throughout the city,” said Charney . “It is founded. Not be reopened or amended.”

City Council members and other city leaders against the risk and Frisk quickly pounced on the decision, calling it another indication of the direction that Bloomberg and Police Department of the concerns of ordinary New Yorkers.

“It is time for the city to repair the damage of this fragmentation strategy,” said President Scott Stringer of Manhattan County, which is expected to run for mayor in 2013.

With Bloomberg planned to leave office next year, stop and Frisk has become a potentially important factor in the race to replace him. The matter could remain in the background to the decision of whether to appeal Schienlin refuses and refers the case to trial.

recent attack by Howard Wolfson, the deputy mayor, Bill De Blaisio, the public defender and another potential candidate for mayor, suggesting that Bloomberg does not intend to reverse stop and cool, though.

De Blasio has been ve ry critical of the Frisk and stops, calls the trend “broken” in a recent speech.

“He is doing a blind eye and do not even recognize that there are concerns about the city,” said De Blasio, the focus of the Mayor. “This shows how out of place it is.”

In response, Wolfson said De Blasio was “nostalgia for the days when the ACLU to the criminal policy” in the city.

“Make no mistake, it will continue to be the safest city in America, if Mr. De Blasio has his way,” said Wolfson.

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Black Voices

Monday, May 14, 2012

Photos: Chaka Khan Slims down, I think it looks like Nicki Minaj

Photos: Chaka Khan Slims down, I think it looks like Nicki Minaj

href rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”″ /> vs. Creative: Peach Williams on how to get bikini ready, the biggest problem with the style and the best training for the high cancer African Americans: Why should not ignore plans to bring men crowned Beye the first “Miss Black France”, while the exchange (images, “Collection of bathroom New Sneak Peak Selina Ebanks Sass Bid Oprah Winfrey Cohen advice set their own rituals, strange and curious way” out of Holder Set limits Latifah along Owens Beach Lesbian and Gay Pride opens pay child support: Symone Actress law and sisters “, aims to encourage young women through the” Plan far the World Day 2012: Huff editors Post voices of black mothers are held and you can too surprising Marley: Style Miami Heat in the game confuses me love Pinker-Smith, Willow Smith, Talk More, a family i n “Red Table Talk”, released Power Day the Mother, “the worst cooks American winner on Sunday to get the prize writer in New York, the Association of Black Alexander, mother face 20 years dead man in abusive within the meaning of fiscal anger among physicians related to dissatisfaction with care, says the report, “” slideshow_id “:” 218624 “,” vertical “,” Black-voices “}]

Friday, May 11, 2012

Why I sleep like this for 7 days

Why I sleep like this for 7 days

my grandmother Annie Ruth have I touched the skin softens. At 90 years young with a diet full of fried chicken, kale and sweet potato pie, you probably imagine someone with loose skin and stained. But she has a face that makes the child less shame. Seriously. And the secret is simple. Noxzema

Since I was little, I remember my grandmother sitting with her bubblegum pink bath towel to great lap while rubbing the cream of deep cleaning. However, she would go back to living with it though – not recommended to wash as they say. Bright and early the next morning, she splashes her face with warm water and dry it with a cloth. Yes, she slept with her greased.

So I thought if you worked all these years for her, then what can I lose by giving it a try? Oh, you know, you just have super sensitive skin of wage my war, this is it. But it went ahead. Read on to find out what I did a beauty treatment Noxzema my grandmother for seven consecutive days:

Day 1: I remove the cold cream habit while visiting family back in my home in South Carolina. Appropriate, since he had been eating a lot of blackberry pie and fried fish, which led to a small fraction of the right cheek. The next day I woke up the pillow of fat tissue and dry grain. After washing out the rest of Noxzema, I had the crazy soft skin that made my sunscreen go perfectly.

Day 2: Back in my apartment in Philadelphia, gathered enough energy to rub in a Noxzema before bedtime. It was not until this moment was that menthol smell really I realized, I remembered the fight against flu perfumes that my grandmother also swears. Another case there, took me to my face looks a little brighter this morning.

Day 3: After a surprisingly results of skin illuminators of the day before, I decided to get a jump start on my treatment and soft in a few hours before than usual. And so I hit really driven, it seemed as if I had nothing in my face. This morning, usually oil-free facial cleanser and sunscreen with SPF composition delivery – you guessed it – the baby’s skin soft. I give congratulations Noxzema for consistency.

Day 4: No wonder I could not care less Noxzema after throwing back a few mojitos and strawberry rum bar in my neighborhood. What the heck was I thinking? I was dying to get some facial cleaning cloth, but refused to give the name of Annie Ruth.

Day 5: I have done beyond the midpoint of my trip and Noxzema realize that is not too difficult to continue with the same product. In addition to the six dollars I spent on this large can of cream was well worth it, considering that last month. But part of me is very familiar face waiting for the hit back in operation.

Day 6: standing before the bathroom mirror, took me to read the sign closely Noxzema. I was looking for promises of a lig hter skin. But only one “removes dirt, oil and do.” I began to think that was crazy. The small dark spots along the maxillary bones have been removed. Maybe I’m the exception.

Day 7: In what was possibly my last night with Noxzema this annoying little cinnamon again. However, Noxzema immediately clear.

Noxzema cream review
me, after washing the cream Noxzema and without moisturizer. Photo: Raydene Salinas
What is your mother, grandmother or aunt in the best beauty secret? Tell us in the comments section.

Although the sister site to our style Huff Post to see our mother’s day gift for moms stylish us.

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in Black Voices

Friday, May 4, 2012

Racist New York Post writer to rant about Jay-Z

Racist New York Post writer to rant about Jay-Z

New York, sports commentator is in hot water after writing about the Nets to Brooklyn advisable to change your name to “N —— s New York” because Jay-given membership Z.

Phil Mushnick, who writes for the New York Post, has clearly been a long time critic of the role of rap in the franchise. In a column on Friday, the confusion of alternative Jay-Z for new team uniforms

As networks are allowed to Jay-Z called the shots marketing the same – it is a shock that he chose black and white as the colors of the new team to stress, as explained in the Nets, the new “Urban” at home – why not take full Jay-Z Why treatment

Brooklyn Nets may be in New York when N —— s? The cheerleaders can be Brooklyn B —- HES or hoes. Logo of the team? A 9 mm shell casing with a hollow tip sown then. Jay-Z would be hip? Then go to the end!

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Monique Ruffin: The war against the Revolution

Monique Ruffin: The war against the Revolution

While the Republican Party declared war on women, women are carrying out a quiet revolution to all Americans. It’s like they’re coming from a deep sleep, waking to a new truth about being mothers, wives and workers. In the last decade, I’ve met women from all over the country are beginning to talk, and even decline, the American dream. His efforts to succeed in achieving excessive centered culture has left isolated and exhausted. Overworked, stressed and disconnected, many women are asking: “Is this what life has to offer?” Each of these women, including me, are looking for our own definition of what we are rejecting religious ideas, political and cultural issues that have led us to the empty land.

deep feelings of shame and confusion of sexual and sensual nature of my having brought me to this movement, and I am grateful for the opportunity to meet hundreds of women who are trying to understand and accept it themselves. The new leaders are emerging. Smoothes and is to teach us about the connection between food consumption, our biology and lifestyle newspaper. Books like The female brain by Dr. Louann Brizendine are providing our understanding of brain chemistry, anatomical facts affecting every aspect of our lives. New leaders of thought as Katherine Woodward Thomas and Stevens Hakashamut Kenya are offering practical and spiritual tools to connect with our inner heart – that part of us is growing and receptive, creative and chaotic. Hundreds of thousands of us recalibrate our thinking to include more women in the world, and we are doing together on the idea that women are different and equal. We are learning to harness the creativity and our deep feelings that we have rejected. We feel called to care for and love us. And last but not least, we are discovering compassion, for ourselves, each other, for men and for our world. We are learning that everything is wrong. The spouses, children, a nd success means nothing if the essential nature is to ignore or reject. Ultimately, this is an attempt to create greater harmony between the sexes.

This brings me to the current political debate on reproductive rights of women. This window shows a male dominated culture has absolutely no knowledge or understanding of the needs of women and the concerns that we face every day. Included in this ignorance is the perception that we are not able or qualified to make decisions for us. As the legislatures of several states are considering laws that further limit the powers of a woman about her body. In Arizona, an idea occurs two weeks before pregnancy. In my opinion, the law and not simply our lack of power, and a clear statement of the magnitude of the failure of society to support our own definition of who we are.

political storm over the reproductive rights of women were known as the “war against women” – a language that provides for the battle for supremacy. The women I met while learning about the power women are tired of fighting and working to adapt to this misogynist culture. Women are willing to present himself as a property or young men with skirts, but as feminine, intelligent, powerful and capable. We are pleased to offer you our culture and politics so desperately need and for growing the relationship and the meaning and empathy in our lives. Each of these features open hearts and show our common ground. And if you call this war against women is recast – not a war at all, but a call to bring us the experience of self-acceptance and joy? When women are willing to be themselves without shame, both sexes may find the peace he had never expected to discover.

This post has been published previously in BlogHer.

Monique Ruffin Follow on Twitter: / moniqueruffin