Friday, June 15, 2012

Defenders: New York Police Department's policy making homosexual minorities emerged as "sex" for employees

Defenders: New York Police Department's policy making homosexual minorities emerged as "sex" for employees

In September 2009, a woman was standing outside the convenience store at the sixth site in the West Village of Manhattan around 1:30, when New York police officer threw a light side and waved her over.

official said the woman, a transgender woman who was arrested for the purpose of laziness prostitution. The woman, who had no criminal record, he asked the officer to explain how he came to this conclusion.

“I’ve seen girls like to come here all the time,” the official said, as, according to a formal complaint against the police make the Huffington Post. “Just because you’re dressed differently does not mean it is not a prostitute.”

She was not arrested. But when he went to a nearby station to file a complaint, she said that was initially ignored the officials there to do something, then treat the hand of the thigh. (A formal complaint is made about what the officials to act this way.) Things intensified the reports from th ere: Several officers pushed her down and put a knee in the face, she teaches.

About staff moved to the central reservation, one would have said: “I will not sit next to him.”

She said she was forced to sit handcuffed next to the elevator for hours, and was charged against the arrest. He was released the next day without a formal accusation against.

He filed a lawsuit against the city settled for $ 27,500 and legal fees.

Many activists say that events like this are typical of how gay people of color are penalized for “stop sign and” New York’s strategy, the technique of controversial law enforcement authorities say they are designed to reduce gun violence. With law enforcement to stop and Frisk, the police are given more to detain, interrogate and record a person they consider suspicious.

The city did leave 684.330 last year, a record, although only about 10 percent of them result in arrest or appearance. According Wall Street Journal , the vast majority of those arrested – 87 percent – were black or Latino. Critics say the trend is comparable to racial discrimination and human rights groups filed a lawsuit arguing that the stop and Frisk is discriminatory and violates the constitutional protection against unlawful seizures and records.

Although police could not be contacted for comment, Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended the policy last Sunday on the black church in Brownsville, Brooklyn, said High Frisk and to save the lives of many Blacks and Latinos, but the number of people incarcerated has decreased from last decade.

Dozens of groups use, such as the National Association for the Advancement of colored people and the National Action Network, as well as organizations and groups within the church of the city Father’s Day planning a silent protest in Manhattan on Sunday to protest the policy. Several organizations have campaigned against the police for cruelty against gays of color, as Audre Lorde Project and Streetwise and Safe (SAS), say they expect the protests to call attention on community radios and black Frisk impact LGBTQ and Latinos, who are often overlooked.

“Trans [gender] and the gender non-conforming people think this particular way,” said Lawrence Van Ness, a member of the Audre Lorde Project, Huff Post. “They are seen as sex workers, sexual harassment or derogatory payments called them.”

SAS youth leader Chris Bilal said he has been arrested several times by police, is expected in cases carrying illegal drugs. In such cases, said he could play the way they do for heterosexual black men are arrested. “Sometimes it may seem,” he said.

But Bilal, who is black and gay, said he once stopped while dancing in the park with his friends at night. The police rummage among her things – not in search of weapons, but the condom, which he said that the police would take as a sign of prostitution or the intention of having sex in public. “Straight Privilege” – the benefit of the doubt extended to heterosexual individuals with the police – “not a privilege we have,” said Bilal

He said that for gay people, which could have complicated the subtle and important ways. . Transgender people, for example, can be expected to present a false identification to officials because of gender identity and their new names do not match official records. For gender nonconforming, which could mean a fine for disorderly conduct, “it will not be how to respond, according to its kind”, or the police is waiting for a man or woman to work the condition.

SAS also regularly “know your rights” training to help people learn LGBT law protects certain types of interrogation and detention.

There are few reliable statistics on the number of LGBT people are arrested by police in New York. However, Andrea Ritchie, coordinator of SAS, said at least a quarter of gay youth are homeless at some point in their lives, often due to tension in the family. This makes many of them on the street, which increases the likelihood of unwanted encounter with t he police. (According to the National Alliance for the Homeless, 20 percent of all homeless youth in the U.S. are LGBT, LGBT, even be less than 10 percent of all children.)

Ritchie also cited a recent study at New York Law School Law Review found that young homosexuals were twice as likely than heterosexuals to report “negative sexual contact” with police in the city for six months. But for various reasons, said Ritchie, gay men are reluctant to file formal complaints.

Ritchie said the Ness included quiet Sunday in March to receive policy is encouraging. “What pleasure is … how we can get in the structural space, because our whole being, and so really the application of the law as it affects us and affects people of our community , so that we can demand an end to the discriminatory application of all kinds, “he said.

See: Civil rights groups and unions to achieve this goal and stopped Frisk

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