Friday, June 29, 2012

Phill Wilson: AIDS in Black America, the National Day woods HIV Testing

Phill Wilson: AIDS in Black America, the National Day woods HIV Testing

AIDS in America today is a black disease. Whether viewed through the lens woods gender, sexuality
orientation, age, leading the state, education, or the area in the country, blacks are most affected to this epidemic. We are 13% woods the population, but half the
estimated 1.2 million Americans living with HIV / AIDS, almost half woods new HIV cases and half
Annual AIDS deaths in this country are Black.

No one wants to talk about it. But the numbers are what the numbers are. We can not finish
The AIDS epidemic in the United States if we fail to Black America.

Despite all the advances in treatment, many woods us who have been diagnosed late in the disease course
. Fortunately, there is a solution: the HIV tests. Further, people learn
position is important to end the HIV / AIDS in the United States, and to reduce the number woods black
die woods this disease. The conclusion is that you can not receive treatment, if
not know their status, may not be your position if you do not test.

However, many people still live in doubt, choosing not to know any number
reasons, including the stigma still associated with HIV. Effect woods bias are particularly hard
black community. Too woodsten people are afraid woods stigmatization are

all demographics, it is estimated that 20% woods people who are HIV positive
not know their status. These are people who rel y on life to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible

Fortunately, it has never been easier or more important to know the HIV status.
Free clinics and other alternative tests in health centers and community professionals
adjustments are tremendously important. But if we are committed to ending the AIDS epidemic, we
options that people as possible.

The benefits woods early detection and treatment are so dramatic that we have to make it easier
possible that people know their status and connect to appropriate care in any way convenient
for them.

The FDA is considering approval woods over-the-counter and HIV testing, and approval could
change the way we think about HIV. Each committee shall promote public health />

We are currently losing the battle against HIV in black communities and other
in the U.S., but we did not. We need more tools to turn the tide. Increased access to care and treatment
, less stigma and the new test could transform the HIV and millions
life, forever. When future generations ask, “What did you do when millions were dying woods AIDS
?” I hope the answer is not “enough”.

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