Saturday, June 23, 2012

Nu Hill: my first day at NABJ - 2012

Nu Hill: my first day at NABJ - 2012

I arrived safely in New Orleans on Wednesday, but took a bad jet lag after traveling six mínklukkustund Boston. I lost the most – well, I lost all events NABJ the first night. 30 minute nap in the mine, which became four hours made me lose the speaker and vice JoeBiden soultress Melanie Fiona perform. I was making life a little easier at night einsÉg Big hanging on Bourbon Street and ate jambalaya at Coop site in Decatur Street.Ég me redeem the Thursday morning, as he dives head first into the Convention NABJ björtuog early morning. The opening ceremony started with the bronze, the second line all banda youth and adults afsveitarfélaga dancers dressed in the yellow dress and black face and black. Greg Lee, NABJ president and members albani his dance banda behind the colorful supporting live music in New Orleans used regnhlíf.The soared history, and started the beginning albani an incredible first day albani opening ceremony samningnum.Á, NABJ chapters and members albani honor. Of course, Howard University won the award for the student chapter albani the NABJ (Go Bison!). Standard flooded with experienced professionals from the former head albani Sheila Brooks, my founder, its CEO, SRB bet Communications, Debra Lee, who was sitting three rows ahead albani me. When I sat in my seat to take notes on my iPad. I could not stop drinking íreynslu. I looked in my lap and then to think that I had a fat edge, as the stains on my new dress from Rachel Roy brand. I think I missed a transparent gloss stained our iPad behind me. The girls in my girl said, running a home and change, but Hustler I said, the burden albani this game. So I sat there and thought about how much albani journalism is the air we breathed for years. It was an honor to assist members albani the conference meðþúsundir share the same passion as me. I felt proud to be who he was – svarturog blaðamaður.Eftir awards were handed out, Reverend Al.Sharpton spoke albani his case, the participation íTrayvon Martin. Sharpton (who put a lot albani pounds) dismissed the idea that participation in debate on the matter in hand. He said: “People do not call to hide their problems to call you to explain your problems.”. In my opinion, the participation albani Sharpton was aðpassa Trayvon light the fire in the case albani Martin. I think people tend to forget the “Reverend” íframan name albani Mr. Sharpton. He started as an activist, not a journalist, so aim Hadad sent the current state albani the MSNBC commentator, perhaps, but how? The real effective exchange truth is not spoken in the black community when the Rev. Al Sharpton called on the march spread like wildfire across the country and draws attention to the issue albani Al Sharpton hendi.Eftir The parents grieve Trayvon Martins and lawyers sit and the importance talaðium panel albani black journalists and discussion albani his son in the media. BenCrump, lawyer for the family Trayvon Martin said: “We had to beg the media to look at the facts.” Sybrina Fulton, mother Trayvon Martin said he was disappointed by the coverage albani the death albani his son. The tears were piled on it as she said: “It was a novelty for me, my varlíf.” The room was silent as he took the microphone to his lawyer. After Trayvonforeldrar s and lawyers at the scene, a group albani black journalists have been discussed by the publicist albani his role in covering the issue objectively, despite being so close to home. Éggæti associated with the panelists was the case so I put the story albani a national issue that was conservative in this respect between the moment. I knew the story was great, Enver only black woman in the newsroom does not seem too invested in this case, bu t I knew that Martin was out Trayvon story newsworthy. I put it and I wrote an opinion article about how Trayvon Martin could have been my brother and me lots albani interesting comments from readers. Lene Dara Jones, reporter for general missions, WFTV-Orlandosem broke a story in Florida, said he received emails from readers throw racist payments on it as they were fulfilled. After hearing the personal connections albani all the history albani Martin Trayvon Trayvon only hope that the family found support black blaðamenn.Eftir opening ceremony, I attended a seminar to brand yourself and cut the clutter media. The panel was made up reporters Natalie McNeal, Personal Finance Journalist and the woman behind is precious L. Corynne Corbertt and love her!), Editor albani beau ty indeed Boman Jones, Sports Personality, and many more. Although all hefheyrt to brand yourself as a professional, listen to people who have veriðþar to provide advice on how they do their work in class individually aldreifær age. It is recommended to pay attention to journalists group in power to put more time and season for our brands. So go, if you have a blog as much time and money fullkomnaað blog. He also said that knowing who your audience is so large that if you sell, sell Peastil a special audience, which is Ho Gong for green console gæsku.Ég was fired and hungry, so I thought that Johnny’s Po ‘children. While walking down the street, I noticed parents Trayvon Martins is not Morton’s Steak House on Canal Street. Éghætt, I applied and I extend my condolences to his family. I tried to keep afturtár as I explained about the piece he wrote about his son. I assured them that there are good journalists out there and went on his way had minni.� �g shrimp po’boy sandwich and the best seafood gumbo Po’Boys Johnny ‘in (as I’m ennslefa). My hotel was at the heart albani the French Quarter, so finding a place to discuss Avari brainer. After lunch, I switched to colored dress (Oh, I beg you may lagaðað cleaners) and return to the Hilton hotel where the contract has been concluded. I attended a reception for President albani the Convention and jumped right in line to take a picture with Marsha Ambrosius ogBásúna player Jeff Bradshaw (He played the trombone with Jill Scott and Jay-Z). Yes, þúlesið right, Ms. Ambrose was there in the flesh, as it was the sweetest man ever. It ergaman know the artists that are on earth. She attended a reception to support the art program in Philadelphia. The event was open bar, but remained strictly professional and drank my night calls Lady Shirley Temple.Fyrsta NAB J convention has not been lucky. I forgot to mention that réttiút ton albani cards and exchanged contacts with some big industry names. I really want to see what the rest albani the weekend has in store

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