Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Charlie Rangel's trademark wit, facing the onslaught of Super Pac

Charlie Rangel's trademark wit, facing the onslaught of Super Pac

New York – Charlie Rangel is still there. In its 82 years of age, 21 years time, members of Congress showed his ingenuity in the debate on the trademark of Swat on Monday evening to dig a man who could cause serious difficulties in the June 26 Democratic primary elections.

After New York, State Senator Adriano Espaillat suggested that Rangel had “been working a long time” and are considered “absolutely nobody in the world can do as well as how to work it,” Rangel was ready to a response to reporters later. He never said it was the only person on earth who could represent the 13th district in New York, said – only one service

It was a response designed to get laughs as he arrived, and Tampa suggestions that he might not be willing to endure a fight .. Korean War veteran and former ways and means chairman is legendary for his curmudgeonly turns of phrase. The case seems to agree, although Rangel has more than his silver tongue to win reelection.

poll so far has been lacking. However, Rangel is running at a time are a sign of service and feeling the rest of the country. He is doing in the other two for a long time Congressman from New York, Ed Towns and Gary Ackerman are sleeping. Perhaps most serious for a politician who has long been the voice of black Harlem, Rangel district was redesigned this year to include a large part of the Latino community in the Bronx.

As the candidates debate the money on behalf of women’s suffrage in the department seem to confirm, there are some major political differences between Ranger and Espaillat. Both praised President Barack Obama. Both advoc ated a more humane immigration reform. Both condemned the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

race, you can turn on how voters see long tenure in Congress Rangel, who broke in 2010, when the House of Representatives censured him after ethics committee investigation. In recent days, although Rangel has argued, suggesting that despite the agreement signed by an ethics committee investigation was politically motivated attacks by Republicans.

Espaillat and its allies have not focused on censorship. But may not have to.The atypical anti-duty campaign for the primary responsibility of Super PAC said that Rangel will address with the same message about the duty of corruption used to help end the eight times Representative Silvestre Reyes El Paso. Until now, only $ 5,500 in his career, but has pledged to spend “six figure” range.

At the end of March was $ 226.306 Rangel campaign cash on hand, compared with $ 56.292 s Espaillat, so the Super PAC could help elim inate the difference.

Rangel, in turn, is responding the same way that Reyes did – through his seniority claim to Congress as a way of doing things. Like the Kings, who won the support of former President Bill Clinton and Obama, whose great names of sponsors. Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Mayor Ed Koch

Rangel seemed blissfully unconcerned with his challenge in the debate on Monday, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, which he described as “a very educational dialogue” in its Closing speech.

“I think as we are to apply for my job. And although no one seems to believe that I have not done a good job, I think they think it’s time to change. Well all have to make applications “Rangel said. As for all candidates, “who produced and who do not like that to produce, I think this kind of work that weighs in my favor.”

Espaillat, for its part, has emphasized its support for the Dream Act, which would help undocumented Latino immigrants obtain citizenship after school. A 57-year-old Dominican American, some events have fought almost entirely in Spanish. He said that the race represents “an historic opportunity to change, turn the page”.

After discussion, Rangel said his biggest concern is the part icipation in primary elections. There will come a month earlier than usual this year because of a court order designed to allow military service members to vote.

“The greatest fear in this election is in November, not September, and nobody has heard of hell for all elections on June 26. I will be so difficult for people during the summer months to find out why they must return, “said Rangel.

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