Monday, April 30, 2012

Monique Ruffin: The war against the Revolution

Monique Ruffin: The war against the Revolution

While the Republican Party declared war on women, women are carrying out a quiet revolution to all Americans. It’s like they’re coming from a deep sleep, waking to a new truth about being mothers, wives and workers. In the last decade, I’ve met women from all over the country are beginning to talk, and even decline, the American dream. His efforts to succeed in achieving excessive centered culture has left isolated and exhausted. Overworked, stressed and disconnected, many women are asking: “Is this what life has to offer?” Each of these women, including me, are looking for our own definition of what we are rejecting religious ideas, political and cultural issues that have led us to the empty land.

deep feelings of shame and confusion of sexual and sensual nature of my having brought me to this movement, and I am grateful for the opportunity to meet hundreds of women who are trying to understand and accept it themselves. The new leaders are emerging. Smoothes and is to teach us about the connection between food consumption, our biology and lifestyle newspaper. Books like The female brain by Dr. Louann Brizendine are providing our understanding of brain chemistry, anatomical facts affecting every aspect of our lives. New leaders of thought as Katherine Woodward Thomas and Stevens Hakashamut Kenya are offering practical and spiritual tools to connect with our inner heart – that part of us is growing and receptive, creative and chaotic. Hundreds of thousands of us recalibrate our thinking to include more women in the world, and we are doing together on the idea that women are different and equal. We are learning to harness the creativity and our deep feelings that we have rejected. We feel called to care for and love us. And last but not least, we are discovering compassion, for ourselves, each other, for men and for our world. We are learning that everything is wrong. The spouses, children, a nd success means nothing if the essential nature is to ignore or reject. Ultimately, this is an attempt to create greater harmony between the sexes.

This brings me to the current political debate on reproductive rights of women. This window shows a male dominated culture has absolutely no knowledge or understanding of the needs of women and the concerns that we face every day. Included in this ignorance is the perception that we are not able or qualified to make decisions for us. As the legislatures of several states are considering laws that further limit the powers of a woman about her body. In Arizona, an idea occurs two weeks before pregnancy. In my opinion, the law and not simply our lack of power, and a clear statement of the magnitude of the failure of society to support our own definition of who we are.

political storm over the reproductive rights of women were known as the “war against women” – a language that provides for the battle for supremacy. The women I met while learning about the power women are tired of fighting and working to adapt to this misogynist culture. Women are willing to present himself as a property or young men with skirts, but as feminine, intelligent, powerful and capable. We are pleased to offer you our culture and politics so desperately need and for growing the relationship and the meaning and empathy in our lives. Each of these features open hearts and show our common ground. And if you call this war against women is recast – not a war at all, but a call to bring us the experience of self-acceptance and joy? When women are willing to be themselves without shame, both sexes may find the peace he had never expected to discover.

This post has been published previously in BlogHer.

Monique Ruffin Follow on Twitter: / moniqueruffin

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