Friday, April 27, 2012

Charles Stephens: White House announces a conference on HIV in the article LGBT

Charles Stephens: White House announces a conference on HIV in the article LGBT

are finally starting to scratch the surface of the deep crisis of HIV among young blacks who have sex with men (MSM). At the end of last summer, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced the latest issues of the HIV incidence rate, indicating that the young, black MSM were the only people in the United States showed an increase. The three-year period between 2006 and 2009, there was increased almost 50 percent in the incidence of HIV in this group.

This information was amazing. Those of us working in the field suspect that the numbers of HIV incidence among young black MSM were disproportionately high. But knowing it, hear it confirmed, was shocking. Some months after updating HIV incidence figures have been presented, it seemed there was a collective sigh, although we had trouble putting out the solutions. And since then has been the ongoing dialogue among many sectors of HIV sets the next step. Just what we do now?

So was this spirit of perseverance to find answers to many of us in the White House LGBT conference on HIV / AIDS in Atlanta, Georgia on April 19. Held at the School of Medicine, More House, was attended the meeting and was ambitious. The campus of historically black universities, historically black community, the sign was as rich as it was brilliant. Those of us who attended along skyldurækni the grace that calls us, and the urgency of the work. Several White House officials, including Dr. Grant Colfax, the new CEO of the Office of National AIDS Policy, as well as many HIV experts, met to discuss the HIV epidemic in present in the LGBT community.

Two groups took virtually all conversations was young MSM and transgender populations. Dr. Kevin Fenton, director of CDC’s National Center for HIV / AIDS, Hepatitis, STD and TB, sharing their views on social and structural factors of HIV, especially among vulnerable groups and sexual minorities. He confirmed the commitment of CDC to the LGB T community and announced some next steps for the organization, including the deployment of the new social marketing campaign.

Homo phobia way we think about the devastating effects of HIV. This was the key idea in all forums. Prejudice against homosexuals, the stigma of HIV, and an environment that dehumanize and degrade sexual minorities and people do not conform with gender to create a perfect storm for HIV and other health disparities. The young, black MSM and transgender people are vulnerable in several ways, including homophobic violence and mental, family and social rejection, discrimination and the litany of other forms of social prejudice. These vulnerabilities fuel health disparities, particularly with regard to HIV. As Dr. Patrick Sullivan, a professor at Emory University and academic, said, “homo-phobia is a danger to public health.” In this respect, and social scientists, the negative health and human rights and, by extension, the sexual rights, spheres, not separate, but closely linked to the wider range of issues that we must work together not separated.

Dr. David Malebranche, a professor at Emory University School of Medicine and the speaker of the inaugural breakfast, introduced the concept of “interaction” between the conversation. We are not a collection of separate and independent identity, or, for that matter, “oppress the ions.” Who we are, especially those who belong to several communities at once, there are all these identities. Interseccionalitat examines Ness line of oppression and how the lives of the oppressed. Malebranche emphasized the importance of finding the strength and flexibility of different identities and communities to which they belong.

The largest lead of the conference was the need we have to exploit the value of resistance among women young black MSM and transgender people. Despite the litany of atrocities visited on our communities, there is strength, courage, and even the victory. The full picture is not one of social ills and determination.

Another key insight into the importance of investing in leadership development among young black MSM. The voices, especially in solutions development and reproduction, is the key.

Finally, there is still a need for further investigation and coordination of science, policy and practice. Our best ideas will not be able to carry the isolated silos. Only the most passionate and committed to take fields and methods to use the highest possible service to our most vulnerable among us, is a transformation.

Charles Stephens Follow on Twitter: / charlesausouth

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