Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Look at the riots in Los Angeles said, shocking videos

Look at the riots in Los Angeles said, shocking videos

Twenty years later, the video of Rodney King LA riots as shocking as they were in 1992.

With the. So revolutionary, but soon became a regular event of the hand control is shocking and disturbing beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police was an international news Police said they were working in self-defense and that the king was aggressive and against detention. However, many people who saw the video said the men were out of line.

After seven days of deliberations in the court, the jury acquitted the four officers involved in the Rodney King Beating on charges of assault and acquitted three of the four use excessive force.

The result was chaos. From 23 April 1992, protesters took to the streets, beating and said the law was an example of creating persistent racial profiling and police abuse. Ignite the burning buildings, took what they wanted from the shops and often beat people for no reason of their race. The police lost control of the city. Almost a w eek later, there were 53 deaths and 3,600 fires, 10,000 businesses were destroyed and an estimated 1-kr over a billion dollars in damage.

After the riots, officials set to try again. This time, two officers Stacey Koon and Powell, Laurence were guilty of violating King’s civil rights and sentenced to 30 months in federal prison.

Journalists and public citizens risk their lives to record the violence and destruction in the streets and twenty years later, the videos are still as powerful as ever. See Rodney King delete video below, but please be careful. content is graphic and may not be suitable for sensitive audiences

‘If you’re white, you is not here tonight “

1 11

This video shows the chaos in the streets – and not a single policeman or police car to find .. bottles and bricks are thrown into actions, the windows were broken with bars and turkey people, including one that appears to be Asian, were attacked inside their cars

This video shows the chaos in the streets – and not a police officer or police car to find bottles and bricks are thrown into action, broke the windows with bars and turkey people, including one that appears to be Asian, were attacked inside their cars.

‘If you are white, you do not here tonight “

This video shows the chaos in the streets – and not a single police officer or police car to find. Bottles and bricks are thrown into action, broke the windows with bars and turkey people, including one that appears to be from Asia, are attacked in their cars

Contributing to this story.

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