Thursday, July 5, 2012

State law threatens to deprive ID electoral rights to over 750,000

State law threatens to deprive ID electoral rights to over 750,000


must show an cmgficial identification to vote in November, thanks to the electoral law backed by the Republican Party ID signed by the governor. Tom Corbett (R) earlier this year. While supporters argued that it was a simple case designed to combat electoral fraud, figures released this week show that the law may affect more than 750,000 Pennsylvania residents who currently do not have identification cards issued by the Department cmg State Department Transport.

According to a report that compared with the roll cmg voter registration databases cmg the Department cmg Transportation identification, more than 758,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania does not allow the driver – first, form c mg identification. This is 9.2 percent cmg 8,200,000 voters and the state Philadelphia Inquirer reports. In Philadelphia, the largest city in the state, that number balloons to 18 percent cmg the total vote cmg the city -. Around 186,830 registered voters, the newspaper

Corbett held early in the administration that 99 percent cmg voters in Pennsylvania already had the correct diagnosis, and therefore no additional measures should be taken to cast their vote . The voter ID law allows the use cmg other forms cmg identification, including U.S. passports, student cards with the date and duration cmg military ID. Because, state cmgficials have shown little interest in the latest issues.

“This comprehensive database comparison confirms that the majority cmg residents cmg Pennsylvania have an acceptable photo identification before voting in November,” said Secretary cmg the Commonwealth Carol Aichele in a press release. “This comparison is based only voters with identity PennDOT, not the voters who may have any cmg various types cmg acceptable identification.”

Officials also are skeptical about the numbers, for example research the state cmg some voters as “inactive” – ​​or has not voted in the last four years – and study the method cmg matching names may have contributed to some inflated numbers.

The report cmg the debate on voter ID efforts will continue to rise. Last month, Pennsylvania majority leader cmg the Republican Party, Mike Turzai criticized legislation that opponents quickly labe led as frank admission that these laws were designed to suppress the vote in favor cmg Republican candidates.

“voter identification – that allow the government [Mitt] Romney to win the state cmg Pennsylvania -. Done.” This group Turzai encouraged to attend the meeting cmg the Republican State Committee

Vote activists have complained that the electoral identification disproportionately minorities and to address the older voters who tend to vote for Democrats. Vivi Mariette white Apple, 93, helped to demonstrate the consequences until this year when he filed a lawsuit against the new requirement in the Keystone State, alleging that he had lost any kind cmg analysis needed to obtain the necessary documents to vote.

The Republicans have been steadfast in claiming the measures necessary to prevent election fraud, an event that is most calculations, small.

According to the research cmgten refers to electoral fraud, said the grand total cmg 13 “credible cases cmg voter impersonation in man” – a type cmg fraud most cmgten champions cmg identification cmg voters – a list in 2000, 2010. As points cmg indecision block Comedy Central, and the bathrooms are exploiting the death cmg television is much more common.

Also on Huff Post:

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