Thursday, July 12, 2012

Johnny locked in isolation does not help students with violent

Johnny locked in isolation does not help students with violent

the early years of the school of Elijah, Debbie Jackson, a single mother, came home regularly to hear the cries of his message on your answering machine – and no other word for the direction. The blood curdling voice messages were sometimes as often as three times a day. “It was a nightmare,” said Jackson. “I no longer had my son.”

Elijah was calling because he was a rebellious child, and his teachers tried to get a line through isolation and containment. Threw a pencil on the floor, turn the tape, hit another student and take pictures of the wall. Teachers were asked what teachers most of Latin America have been trained to deal with kids who play hard. Elias excited with the arms, wrists and feet, or put it in a locked room with them.

Elijah was improved after transfer to a school that focused on positive behavioral changes. Therefore, Jackson testified Thursday in the Senate health, education, labor and the Working Group heard the pensions of isolation and restraint in schools.

audience for the first time Congress has revised the case came after some recent data from the U.S. Department of Education to school students are physically restricted 39,000 times during the school year 2009 – 2010 – Black and Hispanic students with disabilities took the brunt of it. Under the Civil Law Department of Education data collection, survey 85 percent of the 100,000 schools in March, 70 percent of students had declined, had a disability. Schools and Hispanic American students excited mechanical African less twice the expected rate of the population.

audience also comes after several highly publicized material circumstances in which these technologies are killed or injured students. “Leake and Watts in April school in Yonkers, New York, was 16 year old Corey Foster restricted to school staff who were trying to remove the basketball court,” said Harkin. “Corey stopped breathing , suffered cardiac arrest and died.” Corey’s mother attended the hearing.

The people who testified at the hearing a common theme: Although the physical constraint that seems a logical response to children who play hard, practice is harmful and costly, and usually does not solve the behavior problems. What works, the witness said, there are prevention programs that replace disruptive behaviors with positive and benign model. What has to change schools, he said, is training teachers to reinforce the good behavior of children.

Only 16 states have laws restricting the use of physical constraint in schools, and the federal government has nothing on the books. Last year, Harkin sponsored a bill that would prohibit the use of isolation and restraint in schools except in extreme circumstances. Harkin had hoped to include in the rewrite of the No Child law back, but the process is stalled.

poll of the American Association of School Administrators published on Wednesday said that schools are reducing the formation of non-violent intervention. In 2009 the government provide security in schools and drug-free outside, and most members of AASA reported that the loss did “substantially or moderately difficult” to finance the training of crisis. The survey said 91 percent of association members reported that their schools would be better if given more funding for positive activities.

But the company says it doubts that the isolation and restriction prohibiting work for all students, writing is “unrealistic” to expect a positive behavior intervention support for students in special education ” they took as students and general education. “The group also said Harkin project is flawed because there is less harmful forms of restraint and isolation procedures.

When George Michael took the Centennial School of Lehigh University, an alternative school in Pennsylvania, which is aimed at students with behavioral problems or challenges, was troubled, he said. “The use of physical constraint is common,” he told senators. In 20 days, 112 student employees restricted times, often with a “basket full” grip from behind. In the end, George had closed two isolation rooms in the school, and only use the physical constraint, once in the last 40 days of school. “We have the technical knowledge necessary to break … the excessive dependence of physical restraint and isolation,” he said.

George said he was changing schools with teachers trained to solve problems through non-violent change in behavior. The training helped Elijah, who is now 9 “I was not accustomed to Elijah treated as a person,” Jackson said his mother. The school gave him a points system for good behavior credits accumulated for the purchase of school grades, a Burger King for lunch and tours. “Centennial Elias responsible for their choice,” re calls Jackson. Now, Elijah attend traditional public schools and won awards for writing and art. Starts the fourth grade this fall.

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